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Filip Kirkorov became acquainted with their own clones

Filip Kirkorov
Filip Kirkorov and Ukrainian singer Olga Polyakova
Filip Kirkorov became closely acquainted with their clones on Ukrainian television program "How to drop or two." This show is created in the same format as the Russian "One to One", currently shooting in Kiev. Leading transmission was Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, and among the participants - former "VIA Gra" Eva Bushmina. Filip Kirkorov went on one of the competitive days as a guest of honor. And it just so happened that the two artists were right in the images of the King of Pop - Olga Polyakova and Dantes. Kirkorov, apparently, took both parodies very favorably. Photographed with both parties, the singer posted a photo on his page in the "Instagrame" and thanked the Ukrainian colleagues.

Note that the Russian project "As is" Kirkorov also parodied twice. The first attempt took Anastasia Stotsky, and in the final image of Filip Kirkorov presented Alexei Chumakov. He did it so skillfully that later Chumakov several times repeated the experience. In particular, the recording of the program Andrey Malakhov's "Saturday Night" Alex Filip sang the song "Snow" duet, while at the vocal level to distinguish the voice was impossible.

philip Kirkorov-Филипп Киркоров

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