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How George Carlin Stirred Up Controversy


Comedians respect George Carlin’s tithes and offerings. Moreover, George Carlin greatly contributed to society with his witty observations and realism. He saw life neither as a fairy tale or a reality show.

It is impossible to agree with all of Carlin’s controversial views and insights. But admire the funnyman’s fearlessness and tenacity. The legend lambasted corporations and institutions, who really run the world- NOT girls…sorry Beyonce.

Furthermore, it took big balls for George to go against feminism. Remember standup comedy is tongue-in-cheek. Carlin supported empowering women in the same way that Mark Twain advocated emancipating slaves. Remind yourself comedy is more figurative than literal.

Additionally, exceptional comedians can persuade crowds better than illusionists with their timely words and naughty gestures. 

George Carlin explained the game and broke the rules. He was the complete standup comic. The celebrity disseminated information to the tired, poor, and huddled masses. It might seem odd but he engaged both mainstream and underground fan bases. In other words, George had money flowing on bridges and inside tunnels- from all directions.

George Carlin’s comedy wasn’t too extreme like Russell Brand’s erotic escapades. Carlin couldn’t compete with Jim Carrey’s loose movements and crazy facial expressions. However, George Carlin was an original entertainer and arguably the best. 

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Before Bill Maher came on the scene and pissed off Christians, George Carlin pissed off all religions first and foremost. Yes, Bill borrowed material from George. Comics steal jokes because it is a rite of passage. It’s actually insulting when your comedy isn’t recycled. Dave Chappelle reworks Richard Pryor’s comedy in the same way Kobe Bryant stole Michael Jordan’s jumper.

I feel George Carlin was the Larry Bird of standup comedy. You will always recall his impact on the game. Sometimes, he stepped out of bounds on purpose. Plus, George Carlin intentionally delivered flagrant fouls.

7 Words

Final thought, George Carlin is most famous for constructing a list of seven dirty words you can never say on television.

1.         Shit
2.         Piss
3.         Fuck
4.         Cunt
5.         Cocksucker
6.         Motherfucker
7.         Tits
George Carlin stirred up controversy with a silver spoon.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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