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Let's Talk Makeup ... Removal

Over the past year, I have been working on leveling up my beauty routine. This has included hair, nails, fashion, makeup and skincare. And let me just say, it has been a lot of work, but it has been so worth it. I have always taken pride in the way I look, but I knew there was more that I could to maintain and improve myself. 

Focusing on self-care has taught me how to be more self-aware, confident and also content. My energy levels have increased and I have had a more positive outlook on every aspect of my life. I encourage every woman, especially my ebony-skinned ladies, to focus more on self-care. I feel that sometimes us women of dark skin tones are not encouraged to be feminine and partake in activities to maintain our beauty. This has to change.  

So here's a peep into my beauty level up process. After scouring the aisles of Target, getting a makeover at Ulta and practicing application techniques and also spending countless hours at Sephora, I began feeling really confident in my skincare and makeup game. 

I follow YouTuber's like Jackie Aina and Ellarie Noel for makeup tips and tutorials. Both of them are awesome and make learning about all things beauty so much fun with their lively personalities. A huge plus is that both have dark skin and I can use many of the same products they do with no issues. #winning 

Now I have run into the skincare dilemma of ensuring to remove my makeup every single night. Yes, even when I am dead tired. 

Photo: @prettymochablog [Instagram]
Be honest. Do you remove your makeup each night? Let's talk about why we all should.  

We have all gotten into the occasional self talk of "But I’m so tired... I can't wash my face” or "One night won't hurt". 

Stop those excuses right away. 

Why is it so important to remove our makeup?

The skin renews itself while you sleep, so when you leave your makeup on your face guess what happens? You prevent the skin renewal process and it keeps your skin's pores clogged through the night. Yuck! Believe me the only thing that comes from not removing your makeup is an unwanted visitor to your face the following morning (cough, pimple, cough cough).  

Be good to yourself and take a few minutes to remove your makeup and cleanse your face before bed. You’re worth the 5 minutes babe. And your skin will thank you in the morning.

Here is a quick look into what I use to quickly remove my makeup each night - it takes literally less than 5 minutes.  

1. Neutrogena Makeup Removing Wipes 

2. Ponds Wet Cleansing Towelletes

3. Neutrogena Deep Clean Daily Facial Cream Cleanser 



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