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UPS Delivery Driver Shares His Love With All The Dogs And Other Animals He Meets During The Day (172 Pics)

There's a place on the Internet you can count on when you're craving your daily dose of "awww". It always delivers.

UPS Dogs is an online community for UPS drivers to share photos and videos of all the four-legged friends they make on their routes.

Bored Panda already wrote about UPS dogs here and here, but it keeps growing and sharing wholesome content, so we have to keep up. Continue scrolling, upvote your favorites, and enjoy!

More info: Facebook | Instagram


If dogs cant read calendars, how do they always know when it is Three Biscuit Thursday?

Image credits: scott.hodges


This big ol’ meathead is a real sweetheart. A tongue with 90 lbs of pit bull attached to it...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Bonjour monsieur bulldog! Voulez-vous un biscuit?

Image credits: scott.hodges


She has defeated the Cone Of Shame and now demands her biscuit!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Oh look its a tongue with a pit bull attached to it!

Image credits: scott.hodges


No shame. By all means just go ahead and help yourself!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Introducing Moof, he is an Anatolian Sheperd puppy who will weigh 150 lbs when he is full grown. Glad I get to make friends with him now!

Image credits: scott.hodges


She knows all about Three Biscuit Thursday!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Resistance is futile

Image credits: scott.hodges


It was breathing really heavily and I was afraid it had pnuemonia...but it was just a little horse.

Image credits: scott.hodges


14 years old and still acts like a puppy for the biscuits...

Image credits: scott.hodges


That face they make when you tell them that Triple Biscuit Tuesdays have been discontinued....

Image credits: scott.hodges


This little turd has the perfect scam worked out.

It costs me one biscuit to get out of the door, another biscuit to get to the porch to deliver the package, and then another one to get him out of my way so I can leave!

Image credits: scott.hodges


The big brown truck is scary

but the biscuit is tempting....

Image credits: scott.hodges


Her squeaky pig has a little hole in it so now it sounds like a whoopie cushion..

Image credits: scott.hodges


Cocoa the Cookie Monster is always happy to remind me about Four Biscuit Fridays...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Bad news: the weekend is over.

Good news: it’s Multi-Biscuit Monday!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Game over. I’m done. She gets the whole damn box of biscuits...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Cant say no to that face...

Image credits: scott.hodges


The Alien Zombie Vampire dog offers firewood in exchange for biscuits.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Bentley the Beggar is bellowing at the injustice of being limited to 3 biscuits.

Oh, the suffering...

Image credits: scott.hodges


The thing is, I am basically just a rock star in a big brown limousine. I pull up, open the door, and a throng of my adoring fans is waiting to mob me. Keeping them all happy is a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Image credits: scott.hodges


First she stole my heart, now she just steals my biscuits...

Image credits: scott.hodges


The Biscuit Bandit strikes again!

Image credits: scott.hodges


This sweet old Beagle looks just like my Molly who passed away 6 months ago. Extra biscuits!!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Pit bull bleps are the best bleps.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Her initial offer is one (1) stuffed toy in exchange for five (5) biscuits. She drives a hard bargain...

Image credits: scott.hodges


He thinks he will get extra biscuits by being a brown-noser...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Bummer, I’m all out of bearded dragon treats....

Image credits: scott.hodges


Happy to see me...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Silly Jilly is 10 years old today. She gets a Bonus birthday biscuit!

Image credits: scott.hodges


She missed me while I was on vacation.

Image credits: scott.hodges


“Give me 6 biscuits and I’ll let you take this baby for a spin.”

Image credits: scott.hodges


Another satisfied customer

Image credits: scott.hodges


Skye just cant wait to share the good news with me about today being Four-Biscuit Friday!

Image credits: scott.hodges


This old guy wants the senior discount for Three Biscuit Thursday...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Dogs dont have smart phones and they cant read calendars.

So how can they always know when it is Four Biscuit Friday?

Image credits: scott.hodges


Four-Biscuit Friday is here, time to pay up!

Image credits: scott.hodges



Image credits: scott.hodges


The local Biscuit Mafia is shaking me down...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Let the Triple Biscuit Thursday festivities commence!

Image credits: scott.hodges


When pitbulls attack...

Image credits: scott.hodges


We’ve got a howler here...

Image credits: scott.hodges


"Her name is “Oso” because she is oh-so cute..."

Image credits: scott.hodges


She has the Begging Face down pat...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Her name is JoJo and she’s got some serious mojo!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Good luck saying no to that face!

Image credits: scott.hodges


This sweet old senior Aussie is teaching his young buddy all about the finer points of biscuit mooching.

Image credits: scott.hodges


They are ganging up on me

Image credits: scott.hodges


Its Multibiscuit Monday and the mutts are merry!

Image credits: scott.hodges


I’m all out of cow treats, sorry...

Image credits: scott.hodges



Image credits: scott.hodges


I think he’s happy to see me.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Its a Multi-Biscuit Monday Staredown...

Image credits: scott.hodges


The mighty Cupcake is voicing her displeasure over my recent absence and demanding the appropriate biscuit tribute.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Introducing the Baahston Biscuit Bandit!

Image credits: scott.hodges


He is very persuasive

Image credits: scott.hodges


A bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day...

Image credits: scott.hodges


We are having a difference of opinion over the biscuit proposal.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Demanding doggo in the darkness wants his dinner...

Image credits: scott.hodges


She was being shy until I told her about it being National Dog Day and the Unlimited Biscuits On Holidays rule...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Some dogs are more patient than others.

Image credits: scott.hodges


I fear its wrath...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Her name is “Little Bit” and this is her first time ever coming near the big scary brown truck. She got extra biscuits for being so brave.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Four-Biscuit Friday is finally here!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Four-Biscuit Friday is finally here!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Zeus is loose!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Biscuits are not enough, she demands belly rubs also!

Image credits: scott.hodges


They drive a hard bargain.

Image credits: scott.hodges


3 biscuits? Did I say only 3 biscuits? Hell, you can have 10 biscuits!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Patiently waiting

Image credits: scott.hodges


At my very last stop on Triple Biscuit Tuesday...

Image credits: scott.hodges


The time-honored barter system. This old guy is offering up a well chewed horse hoof in exchange for 5 biscuits. I may need to do some negotiating.

Image credits: scott.hodges


He was concerned that I had forgotten about Three-Biscuit Thursdays...

Image credits: scott.hodges


She missed out on Four-Biscuit Friday, her coupon for Multi-Biscuit Monday is expired, so now she is demanding to speak to my manager. I think her name must be Karen...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Triple Biscuit Tuesday times two!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Channeling her inner Miley Cyrus...

Image credits: scott.hodges


She knows about Four Biscuit Friday so she isn’t going to budge until the entire tribute has been paid in advance.

Image credits: scott.hodges


”It’s Many-Biscuit Monday mister UPS man, lets hurry up and get with the program!”

Image credits: scott.hodges


The piglets have almost doubled in size. And they have developed a taste for granola bars!

Image credits: scott.hodges


The moochers are out in force today

Image credits: scott.hodges


Preparing to run the Gauntlet of Slobber...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Four Biscuit Friday is finally here!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Today must be Pit Bull Day....

Image credits: scott.hodges


The big brindle biscuit bandit, caught in the act.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Things are about to get slimy.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Those eyes...good luck saying “no” to this guy!

Image credits: scott.hodges


“Make haste with the treats, human!”

Image credits: scott.hodges


The power of The Pleading Face...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Le Blep’

Image credits: scott.hodges


All bleps are good...but puppy bleps are the best bleps of all!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Ready to start the week off with a snack...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Sassy and Snickers know right where I keep the biscuit box! #eyesontheprize

Image credits: scott.hodges


The intense and unrelenting demand for dog biscuits is a form of...Pyr pressure.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Its Triple Biscuit Tuesday!

Image credits: scott.hodges


She is politely reminding me that I owe her an extra biscuit due to the 3 day weekend...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Preparing to run the gauntlet...

Image credits: scott.hodges


“Three for me and two for my little buddy here.”

Image credits: scott.hodges


Three-Biscuit Thursday; its worth waiting in the rain for!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Its rare, but every once in awhile I wind up getting a moocher of the feline persuasion. #UPScats

Image credits: scott.hodges


She has her “poor starving dog” act down pat....

Image credits: scott.hodges


“Dont stick your tongue out at him!”

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Resistance is futile.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Let the Monday mooching begin.

Image credits: scott.hodges


The Monday Mooching has begun.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Marge is very persuasive when it comes to reminding me that Triple Biscuit Thursday is a real thing.

Image credits: scott.hodges


His name is Moose

He’s on the loose

Image credits: scott.hodges


Using the cute head-tilt to get extra biscuits is cheating.

Image credits: scott.hodges


She didnt get the memo about social distancing.

Image credits: scott.hodges


He thinks a tantrum will yield additional biscuits.

He’s right

Image credits: scott.hodges


Heckin’ muddy boi

Image credits: scott.hodges


Good news on a Monday morning.

My labs came back positive...

Image credits: scott.hodges


This savage attack dog nearly mauled me, I barely made it back to the truck alive.

Image credits: scott.hodges


The dilemma: His fear of the truck vs. his desire for a biscuit...,

Image credits: scott.hodges


Some dogs wait patiently outside the truck for their biscuit.

Others have the patience of a 6 year old on Christmas morning...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Polite boi at my last stop of the day. A perfect end to the week!

Image credits: scott.hodges


They heard it was Triple Biscuit Thursday...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Mismatched-eye hypnosis is a particularly effective method of biscuit extraction.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Little dog, big attitude!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Its Two-Biscuit Tuesday times two today!

Image credits: scott.hodges


He is very persuasive.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Floofy McFlooferbutt, biscuit hustler extraordinaire.

Image credits: scott.hodges


She is a day late for Triple Biscuit Thursday, so she is trying to make me believe that Four Biscuit Friday is actually a thing.

Image credits: scott.hodges


She’s having a bad hair day, but a blep and a biscuit made it better.

Image credits: scott.hodges


It looks like Cupcake is getting a little competition in the style department...Miss Boo Boo here is really rockin’ those cammie jammies!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


She is a total brown-noser.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Colby is 13 years old with a solid grey muzzle. He is the absolute master of The Begging Face.

Image credits: scott.hodges


A savage mauling narrowly averted...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


This chunky boi has powerful mooching skills.

Image credits: scott.hodges


They got the memo about Triple Biscuit Thursday. And the one in the back is using the Head Tilt just to make sure...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Smart little guy is staring right at the box of biscuits on my dash...

Image credits: scott.hodges


These two hooligans are hitting me up for a bribe.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Slimer alert!

Image credits: scott.hodges


The Floofer and the Howler.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Time to break out the pig treats

Image credits: scott.hodges


I’m getting hounded for biscuits.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Muddy boi

Image credits: scott.hodges


The toll must be paid.

Image credits: scott.hodges



Image credits: scott.hodges


Oh look, its a giant 4-legged Q-tip!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Sachi and JiggyBear love me!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Polite Aussie boi.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Another tongue with a pit bull attached to it. Thank goodness for Milk Bones, I was saved from being mauled by this vicious beast!

Image credits: scott.hodges



Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


They aren’t fond of the truck but they love the biscuits!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


#Blurrytails #ThreebiscuitThursday

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Dogs dont have smart phones and they cant read calendars.

So how can they always know when it is Four Biscuit Friday?

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


If I am stingy with the biscuits, I will face the wrath of this vicious brute.

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


Let the Monday Morning Mooching begin...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Just step right up to the biscuit bar!

Image credits: scott.hodges


Monday morning mlem...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


The Blepping Slobberflinger...

Image credits: scott.hodges


Image credits: scott.hodges


No more pajamas for Cupcake, she is totally rocking the 80’s big hair look! Work it, girl!

Image credits: scott.hodges

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2HLMGz6

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