There comes a time in every goth's life where he or she has to examine how getting older makes him or her feel. It is here you make a life long commitment to being a goth or shrug it aside as a thing of the past. Those who make a commitment are normally the ones you see at goth bars looking can't half-arse it. It has to be full on or nothing. So Avril Lavigne not only went to her own show looking like this, but actually went to New York Fashion Week looking like this.
This is bollocks. I am overloaded (and so is Avril) I don't know if I want to talk about her shoes, leggings or T-shirt or what the fuck is wrong with her hair first! If you think this was bad, you should google the clothes. Seriously, go and google it - I'll wait....
by now you should be back and laughing.....
Either way - AL is one good reason why just because your famous doesn't mean you can design. Amen.
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