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I get asked questions quite frequently on Tumblr. I enjoy hearing from people and always make sure to carve out enough time in my week to respond to almost every single question. The other day, I was asked a rather heavy question by an anonymous person (if you're not familiar with Tumblr, anonymous questions are quite common). I have sat on this question for a while, and while I responded in a timely manner, I just knew I had to publish it on my blog. I think a lot of people in the world probably have a similar question or have gone through a tough time, so I thought my response would be relevant to more than just this one person... life is all about perspective.  

Your blog is one that I check daily along with a several others--I think it is great! They are all great reads, but do you ever feel like blogs can be hard to read in a way when only wonderful stuff is written about (ex. purchases, achievements, etc.)? I've been going through a hard time recently and reading blogs has become even more isolating. I guess I am wondering--is your life as amazing as it seems? Have you ever considered about writing about harder issues in life on your blog?

Thank you so much, you are too sweet!! I definitely agree with you in that most blogs only talk about the ‘happy’, mine included, which I think can definitely make others who are going through rougher times, feel isolated, which is somewhat unfortunate!! I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time— I wish you only the best and happy thoughts!!! 

I think for the most part, my reasoning for only blogging about ‘happy things’ is because I don’t want to bring others down with my bad moods/misfortune. I write Summer Wind to inspire others to live a happy, full life (and a stylish one, too ;)!!). I want others to come to my blog for a dose of excitement and happiness.

I don’t want to sound as if I am bragging and live a life that is all roses, but I would say I lead a pretty happy life. I feel fortunate and thankful everyday. But I think that also has something to do with my mood and outlook on life. I try my very hardest to not let ‘bad things’ take away from my happiness. Sure, I don’t have a perfect life and I have certainly dealt with hardships and misfortune but I try not to live life with regrets and I try my hardest to always look at the silver lining of a situation.

For example, in 2010, I had a more somber post— it was a post about the death of my grandfather. It was a very tough time in my life, but as saddened as I was about his death, I remembered to be thankful that I got to spend as much time with him as I did.

I think social media, in general, brings about comparison to other’s lives. You just have to remember that no one’s life is perfect and there is no one that has it easy 24/7. 

There will always be someone who has more than you, is happier than you, prettier than you, etc. but there are always people who have less than you, are sadder than you, are uglier than you, etc. 

My life may seem ‘awesome’ on Summer Wind, but that’s not to say I’ve never been terribly hungover, experienced a death of someone close, received a bad grade on a test, had my heart broken, been lazy for a solid day, eaten something super unhealthy, spent too much money on something I shouldn’t have, made a mistake, etc.

But the way I look at it? That hangover was brought about by tons of fun the night before. The death of someone close makes me happy to have had someone so wonderful in my life and I was lucky just to have known them. A bad grade on a test? There are always other tests, you can always retake the course, you can always change your major, get a tutor,and luckily, grades aren’t everything, etc. Had your heartbroken? Won’t it feel that much sweeter when you finally find ‘the one’??? If it was meant to be, it would have been, so wait until it’s meant to be. Eat something super unhealthy? There are those that are so unfortunate that they are starving. If you feel bad about it, work out— which means you are healthy enough to do so. Spend too much money? Make a savings plan and work towards your goal to make up for it— get a second job on nights and weekends if you have to— it means you are fortunate enough to live in America where finding a job isn’t as hard as in many other countries.

It’s all about perspective, and I hope that with your situation that you are in, you can find that silver lining, no matter how small it may be. Surround yourself with friends and family who can only lift you higher!

There is a quote that I just love that I think will help you through your tough time:
'I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all, I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.'- Agatha Christie Keep your head up :)

I hope this post gives you a little perspective and encourages you to have a bright outlook on life-- no matter how dark your life may get! Have a fabulous day!


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