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Feather your Nest Friday, 11 March, 2016.

Another week has flown by! We have had weird weather, pouring rain and heat. It's draining!
I was able to work inside and get quite a bit done.

Some of the ways I build up the nest and saved were:

I got quite a few hankies finished and some packaged ready to give. I had started out doing hand rolled hems and did about twenty like this. Then I decided they looked too plain! I want them to be lovely gifts... so I have added trim and motifs to most of them. (I still have heaps to go!)
The packaging is really large cellophane bags I found in a cheap shop. They are just right.

I am much happier with them now. I even found some little shoes and handbags to add...

I hope to finish these over the next few days and add them to my present cupboard.

I still have a large stash of vintage rose pink sheets. These also would be lovely hankies. I am thinking of using up lace scraps with them. But that will be another day!

I picked Quinces off our tree.

We had a use it up left over night or "Fridge Pizza" and this was yum and filled lunch boxes also.

I painted skirting boards. I have one bit to go and I am finished a big area of the house. This also led to lots of cleaning, re arranging and a freshly painted hall table.

I cleaned out and tidied the linen cupboard. Also I saved some pretty fabric from now odd pillowcases to use in the recovering pot holders project Jes had the other day on Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth blog. This was the best idea!

As usual I cooked all meals, packed and sent lunches everyday and all the usual things!

I got ahead with some gifts for up coming birthdays.

For an outdoor area I wanted a chandelier. My idea was for over our outside table.

I found this splendid specimen on the side of the road...

Beautiful hey!? 

I covered it with fake flowers using florists wire...

For a party this is easy and you can leave it as it is. A candelabra or old light fitting will look pretty this way.

Other times I have then spray painted it all white or cream until it is thickly covered and looks like it could be wrought iron. 
This time I have left some colour show through...

So that is my little outdoor chandelier to hand over our table. I had the flowers so the total cost was $3 for a can of spray paint.

I am noticing today how all the rain has made the lawn and garden look lush and everything has grown! This afternoon I have some errands to run.

How was your week? How did you feather your nest?  I feel good that I can see my painting process and that the "little bits add up" approach is working! I could not do all of this in a week or a month. But little bits every week will get me there eventually! Anything you want to tackle is achievable even if you do 15 minutes at a time. Or even five minutes at a time! Its surprising!

Have a lovely weekend! xxx

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