As you can see in the first picture, we celebrated every year's traditional Halloween celebration with the children. The preparation of these things at home is always very funny and I enjoy it. I love to prepare activities that will make children happy. First I made the evening preparations and decorations.
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Good thing, there are plenty of materials to decorate at home :) Already the most pleasant part of preparing this kind of surprises is the impatience of children waiting in the planning and preparation stage.
This year I made a change and I would like to be a little bit scary, but I guess I didn't get enough :) We didn't have such fun activities when we were kids, thanks to the kids now I'm having fun :) It's not very clear in the picture but there are spiders in my gauze :)
Such a pitty that my older Son didn' t want to joy other party :)
And finally, the owner of the party came down to the kitchen and they were very happy with the decorations. Good job mama :)
First we told each other horrible :) :) stories. I confess my daughter thought the most terrible :) Then we watched a Halloween movie.
When it was dark, we went looking for the Halloween candies I had hidden in the garden.
They gathered the loot and entered the home happily. So I made them happy and I was happy too.
- Copying family pictures is not allowed.
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