In December 2011, my local wargames club in St Albans played a mini-campaign set in the Ypres Salient in 1917. There were quite a few campaign emails between myself as the umpire and the players, and I promised to put these into a single document for anyone interested to have a look at.
I’ve posted the emails, and a short introduction, in the document entitled “Jetty Wood Campaign Diaries”, which is located on the right hand side of this blog under the heading Playtesting Scenarios and Campaign Diaries.
I’m sorry this has taken so long to appear on the blog, but hopefully something in the 31 pages will be of interest to someone out there!
I should add that there’s no real magic in the Jetty Wood Campaign Diaries. No silver bullet is provided for running successful campaigns. And no maxims are set out promising success. All I wanted to do was describe what we did, and some of the pros and cons of doing it our way.
Let me know what you think. Happy reading!
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