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Waterloo 200: T minus 25 days

Of course, not all wargamers/groups who are observing the bicentennial of, arguably, the world's most well-known battle will be running their re-fights bang-on the day, but it does mean that the level of activity has increased significantly.

Below is a photo summary of what I have been able to gather, with links to the appropriate blogs or webpages.

Play-tests and Preparations for Waterloo 200

Battle of Waterloo at Huzzah 2015
Adam C. has provide a highly photo-pictorial description of this multi-player game played over several tables using Blackpowder rules.

Quatre Bras at Huzzah 2015
Another of his reports from the convention, this time an earlier game of Quatre Bras.

HAHGS Waterloo 200 Campaign Game
Peter's marvellous reports of this fabulous 'campaign in a day'.

We look forward to their game of Ligny at Historicon
A couple of posts of units being prepared here and there.

Liphook's Re-fight of Ligny
Some photos on their Facebook page where you'll also find an open invitation to their Waterloo 200 game to be held 5th/6th September.

The Waterloo 1:3 Game
Play-test—this is jaw-dropping!

More troops. This time a squadron of the 2e dragon.

Antipodean Waterloo Prep
Preparing troops for the game.

Gathering Forces for Another Antipodean Waterloo 200
This time in Perth, Western Australia
One and another post of four about the preparation of the forces.

Other, Waterloo bicentennial-related activities

Airfix Conversions
Paul has been doing wonders converting Airfix figures around the theme of Waterloo

Diorama's of Waterloo

Clean-up of the Waterloo Diorama at the Green-Jackets Museum in Winchester

Not to forget games from earlier bicentennial years

Battle of Brienne 29th January 1814
Another fine solo effort from Phil of York, UK.

Battle of Raab, 14th June 1809
The first five turns of this marvellous looking game have been posted

Battle of Eggmuhl 22nd April 1809
Big game, big units and plenty of Jenkinsonian wit!

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